Sunday, April 9, 2017

The fruit bowl held the final clue! I thought that it would be easier for the girls to figure out than it was, it turned out to be the clue that took them the longest to get. “You must CHANGE your heart to become free and full of LUV.” Get it? Change as in changing a diaper? and the brand of diaper is Luvs! The box of diapers held some significance to the girls as well because we had recently done a diaper drive where we collected 1,323 diapers and donated them to a local refugee center! (I'll include a photo of our diaper drive diapers!) The diapers I used for this activity were my son's though. So, in the box of diapers was a small wooden crate, in the small wooden crate was a burlap sack, in the burlap sack was a small treasure box, and in the treasure box there were antique key necklaces! There were also handouts that I had printed and lazy mom laminated with packing tape. The key necklaces came from Micheal's, they were only $10 for 8 keys! If you use a coupon (and Micheal's often puts out great coupons) you can get them for even less. I bought some cord that had golden thread in it and made the necklaces. The girls LOVED them!


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