Sunday, April 9, 2017

Here are the handouts I made. I used a picture of an antique key from Google and a quote about repentance that I added a bit to from  You may choose to use a different quote of course.

So there it is, that is the escape room activity explained! I hope that this was helpful to anyone else who wants to try it! I am sure that other people out there can add to this idea and make it better! Go for it and have fun!
The fruit bowl held the final clue! I thought that it would be easier for the girls to figure out than it was, it turned out to be the clue that took them the longest to get. “You must CHANGE your heart to become free and full of LUV.” Get it? Change as in changing a diaper? and the brand of diaper is Luvs! The box of diapers held some significance to the girls as well because we had recently done a diaper drive where we collected 1,323 diapers and donated them to a local refugee center! (I'll include a photo of our diaper drive diapers!) The diapers I used for this activity were my son's though. So, in the box of diapers was a small wooden crate, in the small wooden crate was a burlap sack, in the burlap sack was a small treasure box, and in the treasure box there were antique key necklaces! There were also handouts that I had printed and lazy mom laminated with packing tape. The key necklaces came from Micheal's, they were only $10 for 8 keys! If you use a coupon (and Micheal's often puts out great coupons) you can get them for even less. I bought some cord that had golden thread in it and made the necklaces. The girls LOVED them!

The fruit, representing "fruit meet for repentance" can be any fruit you like. You could even do boxes of raisins and hide a clue in one box! I chose fruit that I thought the girls would enjoy eating as a snack at the end of the activity and simply hid the letter and clue at the bottom of the bowl. 

The soap, representing clean hands, was very simple. I opened a box and put the letter and scripture clue inside. Then I glued it shut and added more boxes of soap to the display so the girls would have to open several boxes to find the right one!

For the salt of the earth clue, I just happened to have a salt cylinder that had just run out. So I carefully peeled off the label, cut the cardboard, and hid the clue inside. Then I glued the label back on so you couldn't tell it had been cut. An alternative idea would be to buy a carton of Epsom salts, pour them out, and put the clue in that.

The bath bomb clue was so much fun! We had made bath bombs at a previous activity so I knew how to make them. The ones we had made for actual baths had coloring and coconut oil and lavender oil in them, but the big one I made for the escape room was just plain baking soda, citric acid, and a tiny bit of water. I didn't want to risk coloring because there is always the possibility that it will spill! I sort of "laminated" the letter and scripture clue that I put inside the bath bomb with clear packing tape. That is my lazy mom lamination trick! If you have a laminator or you want to pay for lamination at a copy store, go for it! When the girls put it in the water the reaction was great! It fizzed like crazy! When the bath bomb dissolved, the clues were revealed!

The "broken heart" puzzle I made was not great. It was even my second attempt! I am not a very artistic person really. I am sure that someone else could create a much better heart puzzle! Or possibly buy one. But mine did the job.